“Treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.”
— Stephen Covey
The Biden -appointed National Labor Relations Board is busily engaged in rewriting national labor law to the enormous detriment of employers. The law is literally changing daily. Employers who do not have experienced labor counsel on speed dial can find themselves forced to unionize without an election.
Law firms will soon be swamped with labor cases that they will not have the capacity to handle. This will represent a significant source of revenue for firms which will be able to bill out labor matters at premium hourly rates because labor matters unlike employment law matters are not covered by EPL insurance.
Murphy Employment Solutions can provide experienced lawyers on a project or hourly basis at rates which run as low as $300/ hour depending on the size and location of the client and there is no charge for an initial consultation.
Litigation and Union Avoidance
We work with employers and developers to create and oversee the on-going implementation of best practice employment policies and procedures from selection to termination. The goal is to create unique workplace environments that empower employees and are litigation and union averse.
Your company is about to open a new restaurant in an area where many of your competitors are unionized. It is also an area which has witnessed a large volume of employment litigation. You want someone to review and, if necessary, revise your selection procedures and employment policies so that you select employees who look to you rather than to third parties to resolve their employment issues and who will help you to make your new restaurant the employer of choice in the area. WE CAN HELP YOU!
Employment Training
We create and present training programs related to legal compliance (CA and Federal) and best practices for HR departments in dealing with workplace issues including selection and evaluation. Each of our training programs is tailored to address particular problems unique to that client.
You want to keep abreast of significant legal developments that impact your company. You need a trainer who is informative and entertaining and who incorporates in his presentation practical advice gleaned from decades of experience representing companies like yours. WE CAN HELP YOU!
Workplace Investigations
We conduct investigations into sensitive workplace issues like sexual harassment, embezzlement, and industrial accidents. Many of these matters are referred to us by law firms.
You need an experienced investigator to interview employees and third parties in a difficult sexual harassment case so that the matter will either be settled for a reasonable sum or result in a defense verdict if litigation can’t be avoided. WE CAN HELP YOU!
Purchase and Sale of Unionized Properties
We have substantial experience dealing with labor issues arising out of the Purchase or Sale of Unionized Properties with particular emphasis on the Hospitality Industry.
You are an accountant. One of your best clients owns a chain of hotels all of which are non-union. The client wants to buy a unionized hotel but is concerned that doing so will require it to assume the existing union contract and result in the unionization of its other hotels. The client’s corporate firm has no one with any experience in the purchase and sale of unionized hotels and so has asked for your advice. WE CAN HELP YOU!