50 Years of experience helping companies large and small find cost-effective solutions to employment and union issues.
Murphy Employment Solutions focuses on assisting business clients of all types including law firms across the continental United States and Hawaii to add value to their operations by avoiding litigation and unionization.
Bob Murphy is a lawyer, negotiator and counselor recently retired after almost 50 years in private practice with some of the finest labor and employment law firms in the country. We bring that experience to Murphy Employment Solutions so that our clients will get the benefit of a “Big Firm” advisor at rates they can afford.
“ We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
-Albert Einstein

We provide a wide range of services for law firms in those situations where the firm requires an expert from outside the firm to provide services the firm cannot provide.
The Biden -appointed National Labor Relations Board is busily engaged in rewriting national labor law to the enormous detriment of employers. The law is literally changing daily. Employers who do not have experienced labor counsel on speed dial can find themselves forced to unionize without an election.
Law firms will soon be swamped with labor cases that they will not have the capacity to handle. This will represent a significant source of revenue for firms which will be able to bill out labor matters at premium hourly rates because labor matters unlike employment law matters are not covered by EPL insurance.
Murphy Employment Solutions can provide experienced lawyers on a project or hourly basis at rates which run as low as $300/ hour depending on the size and location of the client and there is no charge for an initial consultation.
Employment Solutions
Dealing with Unions
We represent clients in all aspects of their dealings with unions including negotiations, arbitrations, unfair labor practice proceedings, union organizing campaigns, representation elections, labor arbitrations, decertification petitions and all matters subject to the jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Board.

Get in Touch
Contact us today to start the process of resolving your employment and labor issues in the most efficient and effective manner. The best way to conquer problems in business is to prevent them with proven strategy and knowledge.